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Анализ рейтинга сообщения
Автор: Kernasovsky
Сообщение: Погиб Shane McConkey. 26 марта. Ski-base. Италия. So now an hour or so later, we've talked with some of his friends like Daron Rahlves and Michelle Parker as well as third-hand through Jay at Thin Air here in town who had talked with JT Holmes. JT was BASE jumping with Shane at the time and had gone first. JT said that he didn't see Shane's actual fall but knew something was terribly wrong with how the helicopters started diving back down to the earth. We've now confirmed through him too that supposedly a ski didn't release and/or released but got caught in the chute. Either way, it was a terrible fall to Shane's death as he spun out of control and never slowed his descent. Shane was truly a pioneer in big mountain skiing and BASE jumping and it's still mind boggling to think of him not being with us anymore. As was mentioned on TGR's website, it's a bit like saying that "Superman" had died as we've all grown accustomed to Shane's daredevil BASE leaps and mind-blowing skiing segments. Again we're truly devastated to not only lose such an influential person in our sport.....but a great guy too......   Оригинал

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