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Цитата: Оригинал отправлен merelin: прочитала все выше написанное... у меня тоже печальная история... в киеве недавно и друзей особо нету. хотела поехать в Австрию и нельзя, сколько обзвонила агенств сказали пустая трата времени, вам визу не дадут... так как я одна, не замужняя и привлекательная, в банке денег нет, имущества нету, вообщем не возможно... и почему так не справедливо!!!!!!!!!!!!
Вы явно преувеличиваете. Если едите с компанией, просите человека, у которого есть деньги, работа, недвижимость и т.д., чтобы он представился вашим молодым человеком. В дополнение к пакету документов он подает письмо, где описывает, как вы любите кататься на лыжах и какое у вас с ним совместное будущее. Посольства, где нормально относятся к таким парам - Франция и Польша. Говорю по собственному опыту. Ниже тексты нескольких подобных писем по которым были выданы визы. Может кому пригодится: To: Embassy of the Republic of Austria in Ukraine 33, Ivana Franka Str., 01030 Kyiv, Ukraine Tel: 044/288 09 43, 288 09 42 Fax: 044/230 23 52 E-mail: kiew-ob@bmeia.gv.at From: Ivan [●●●] [●●●] Ave, Apt. [●●●],[●●●] Kyiv, Ukraine Tel: 044/205 [●●●] Fax: 044/296 [●●●] E-mail: [●●●] 7 December 2007 Kyiv, Ukraine LETTER OF GUARANTY I, [●●●] Ivan, a citizen of Ukraine (passport for foreign travel: AM [●●●], issued on [●●●] 2000 by 2609 Authority Kyiv, valid until [●●●] 2010) hereby confirm that I will cover all expenses, including travelling costs, accommodation, meals, pocket expenses and any other expenses, without limitation, of my wife Oleksandra [●●●], a citizen of Ukraine (passport for foreign travel: [●●●], issued on [●●●] 2001 by 2600 Authority, Kyiv, valid until [●●●] 2011) related to our New Year Eve ski tour to Austria which should take place from 28 December 2007 and until 8 January 2008 (dates of start of the tour in Kyiv and return). Place of our residence in Austria: Appartements Arosa, Steinig 201b, 6574 Pettneu am Arlberg, Tirol / Austria; ph: 0043 664 1037391; Info: Ссылка e-mail: hausarosa@aon.at. Should you have any further questions or clarifications, please, do not hesitate to contact me. Kind regards, Ivan [●●●] Visa section Embassy of France 39 Reytarska St., Kiev, Ukraine 19 April 2010 Dear Sir/Madam: This is to ask the Embassy of France in Ukraine to provide my girlfriend ххх Natalia (passport: ххх) with a short term tourist Shengen visa for a period 29 April 2010 - 4 May 2010. During these days, we are planning to have a romantic trip to Paris and attend Disneyland theme parks. We will stay at “Villa Royale" located at: 2 Rue Duperre, Paris, France. I hereby confirm that I will cover all accommodations and travel expenses of ххх Natalia and will accompany her during our trip. I declare that we have no intention to violate visa requirements while staying in France and will return to Ukraine at the end of our trip. Please do not hesitate to contact me at any time if you have any questions regarding the above or need additional information. Your attention to this matter is greatly appreciated. Kind regards, Ivan ххх Tel: +380 50 ххх Email: ххх Visa section Embassy of France 39 Reytarska St., Kiev, Ukraine 18 November 2008 Dear Sir/Madam: This is to ask the Embassy of France in Ukraine to provide my civil marriage wife Oleksandra ххх (passport: ххх) with a short term tourist Shengen visa for a period between 23 December 2008 and 6 January 2009. During this days we are planning to visit Chamonix Mont-Blanc ski resort. We will stay at “A la residence Lachenal located at: 95,98 Avenue Ravanel Le Rouge, B.P. 5-74401, Chamonix Cedex, France. Payment for accommodation have been done in full which is confirmed by the documents attached to the visa application. I hereby confirm that I will cover all accommodations and travel expenses of Oleksandra ххх and will accompany her during the trip. I declare that we have no intention to violate visa requirements while staying in France and will return to Ukraine at the end of our trip. Additionally, I am to inform you that during the last three years we are spending our new year holidays at ski resorts. During the last two years we spent our holidays at the territory of Shengen states (Poland and Austria). We believe that the provided documents and our reputation of the persons who strictly follow the rules of stay in Shengen state should become a solid ground to prove the aim of our trip and our intention to return to Ukraine at its end. Please do not hesitate to contact me at any time if you have any questions regarding the above or need additional information. Your attention to this matter is greatly appreciated. Yours sincerely, Ivan ххх
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